Wide-Ranging Effects of Data Breaches
This is the text of my prepared remarks at the 19th Annual Privacy and Security Conference in Victoria, BC. I participated in a panel...
Did We Really Volunteer For This?
When are our choices freely made and our actions voluntary? What level of financial incentives or behavior manipulation crosses the line...
After the Equifax Breach-Addressing Identity Fraud
Four Congressional hearings on the Equifax data breach allowed us to learn more about the theft of personal information of 145.5 million...
After the Equifax Breach—Preventing Financial Fraud
As I wrote in a prior post, Understanding the Equifax Data Breach, many of the proposed solutions will not fix consumers’ problems...
Understanding the Equifax Data Breach
Like many people, I have been watching the unfolding events around the Equifax data breach with morbid fascination. I have a special...
Nudging for Better Health
Using techniques from behavioral economics to change individual behavior is very popular these days. The New York Times just published an...
Wellbeing and the Workplace
March 20, 2016 was International Day of Happiness. Because of the current emphasis on workplace wellness, several articles about...
Transparency, Choice and Privacy
If a company fully discloses its data practices and users click “I agree,” is all data processing that follows legitimate? After the...
A Nudge Becomes a Shove
Should we pay people to break bad habits or to form good ones? Does it matter whether we call this payment a reward or a penalty? How...
Genetic Testing Comes To Wellness Programs
Would you trust your employer’s or health insurer’s wellness vendor with information that you or your children might have certain traits...